Old School Blogging and Social Media Decluttering
I have decided to blog about more than books. The idea is to get the creative juices flowing and get back in the habit of posting by writing about my life and ...
I have decided to blog about more than books. The idea is to get the creative juices flowing and get back in the habit of posting by writing about my life and ...
Let's say, hypothetically, someone didn't want to write blog posts anymore. Would publishers send said person books if they posted reviews on Goodreads, Amazon ...
Should book blogging be pure love of reading or corrupted by financial motives? Or is it maybe some place awkwardly in between?
An earnest and heartfelt exploration of Merritt's spiritual journey but also an odd blend of Southern Baptist evangelical culture and progressive attempts to re...
I periodically get in funks where nothing quite seems to "work" for me and I find myself reading three or four books at one time looking for something that will...
Kudos to NPR because Okay For Now is a great book. Here is what I said about Wednesday Wars and Okay For Now back in 2011: Great stories, great characters, ima...