As you might have guessed from my post on the nature of being a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I have decided to blog about more than books. The idea is to get the creative juices flowing and get back in the habit of posting by writing about my life and perspective. This is what blogging used to be about in many ways before niche blogs and social media changed the landscape. Although, I suppose there are probably still a lot of personal blogs out there you just don’t run into them unless you see a link in your feeds or are friends with the blogger.
Speaking of social media, I am in the midst of a 30-day social media declutter exercise inspired by Cal Newport. I am trying to stay off Twitter and Facebook for the month of January. I have been quite good at avoiding Facebook but have struggled to stay away from Twitter. I have avoided political Twitter but have dipped into sports twitter. Not as much as I used to (everyday) but frequently. I am going to try and avoid even my sports list on Twitter for the remaining 15 days. Should be easier now that football is over for my teams <<sigh>>.
Look for some reflections on social media and this experience. Maybe disconnecting from social media will also allow me to regain my focus and start posting regular book reviews as well. I guess we shall see.