It’s all commercials. We live in and are commercials.
To spell it out as plainly as I can, there is no longer a way to post online without the implied desire to grow and cater to an audience. Every social media pla...
To spell it out as plainly as I can, there is no longer a way to post online without the implied desire to grow and cater to an audience. Every social media pla...
A harsh reality I have had to admit to myself: if I had the ability to write insightful, well-crafted book reviews of serious non-fiction then I would be writin...
This is basically a fast paced summer/beach read which is perfect for when you are seeking entertainment and distraction.
Perseverance plays an important role in successful blogging. There will be days you don't feel like writing or don't feel like you have anything to say. But w...
I have decided to blog about more than books. The idea is to get the creative juices flowing and get back in the habit of posting by writing about my life and ...
Should book blogging be pure love of reading or corrupted by financial motives? Or is it maybe some place awkwardly in between?