Grab Bag O' Links

We get mail. That’s right. People take time out of their busy day to send me email about a wide variety of stuff. I am often not sure why, but it happens. I am often not very good about communicating the contents of those emails as I am cynical as to the good I can accomplish with this humble web site. But in the hopes that people’s faith in me will be rewarded, allow me to share with you some links that have found their way to my inbox.

– Matt Hansen stumbled up his book and a Booklist blurb in a recent edition of “In the Mail” and wanted to let readers now about his website. If his book, a thriller that involves Big Foot called The Shadow Killer, interests you, or if you just want more information before you decide, please check it out. You can learn more about Scott and about the book.

– L. Lee Lowe sent me a note alerting me to the fact that the pilot pod cast of Mortal Ghost is now available. Mortal Ghost is a YA fantasy novel being serialized on a blog. In the pod cast the novel is read by a young British theatre student.

– I think some others have made note of this, but Sarah Walker from Wetpaint wrote to let me know about the launch of Book Lust Wiki, which is the community piece to Nancy ’s regular website, Book Lust. Be sure to check out the book blog section and add your own if it isn’t there.

UPDATE: Be sure to check out Robert Birnbaum’s conversation with Heidi Julavits.

Kevin Holtsberry
I work in communications and public affairs. I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can while still spending time with my wife and two kids (and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Michigan Wolverines during football season).

1 Comment

  1. No more cynical than I am, I suppose, about whether it’s worth it to add my words to the millions and millions already written, and will continue to be written.

    Nevertheless, thanks!

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