Readers interested in the history of the conservative movement and/or National Review will want to be sure to check out an internet special over at ISI Books. For a limited time they are offering a special price for three books:
Take advantage of this opportunity to get The Making of the American Conservative Mind, Principles and Heresies, and James Burnham and the Struggle for the World, at a deep discount.
All three volumes are available for $57.00, not including shipping and handling. List price for these titles purchased individually is $89.85. That’s a savings of $32.85, and you save on shipping too.
I have read The Making of the American Conservative Mind and James Burnham and the Struggle for the World and hope to get to Principles and Heresies in the not to distant future. As I said, if you are interested in American conservatism these are three excellent books about the men at the center of the movement.