I have come to the conclusion that I simply don’t have enough time or energy to keep this site going as anything other than a rather lame vanity site that occasionally burps up reviews, comments, and Internet flotsam. I am, at times, a voracious reader but I am usually a less than dedicated writer. Work (a non-lit/book related field), soccer, and life just get in the way. Let’s face it, half a dozen posts or so a week doesn’t get it done.
The solution that is most appealing to me is to add some voices to the site; to put some reality to the Collected part of this blog’s title. After all, if Maud can have various guest bloggers on a regular basis, if Lizzie can have Jimmy, if Terry has OGIC, then it wouldn’t hurt for me to have some company around here.
So here is the deal: if you would like to contribute to Collected Miscellany send me an email or drop a comment in this post. I have no hard and fast ideas about what this might mean. You could do reviews, links, interviews, debates, discussions, whatever suits you. You could cover your favorite subject or genre or post on a wide variety of issues. If it touches on books or ideas I am game for the most part, as long as it is intelligent and interesting (no comments about my prior work here please). The point is to have more content more often.
Obviously, this work would be voluntary but there are some benefits. I could give you an [your name here]@collectedmiscellany.com email address to be forwarded wherever you would like. It could also involve access to free books if you are interested in posting reviews. Lastly, you would have the pleasure of posting to this elegantly designed site and could proudly join the influential world of blogs! Sound good? Drop me a note or leave a comment.
UPDATE: Thanks for the response! I will try and sort this stuff out over the weekend.
Guest Bloggers Needed at Miscellany and Reluctant
As Mark notes, Kevin needs a guest blogger. And, if truth be told, we will too for extended periods of down time through the summer. We’ve tried to convince Jimmy Beck, but he’s hopelessly devoted to the Hag. And we…
Would love to co-blog. Am a fiction writer and a reader with a voracious appetite and could do lots of reviews. Could also discuss the art of writing, do music reviews or cover the latest pop culture. Let me know if you’re interested in me.
Hey, I’m game. When you say ‘post’ do you mean pages and pages…or could someone focus on one aspect of something, say blogging for business? With links to relevant articles, and possible interviews or original thoughts on the subject? This is getting to be a popular topic, but there is room for contention. ???
Sounds good to me – I have free time again now. I can do books, comics and movies, or a mix of all three.
Count me in-reviews on books, comics, movies, anything I’m game. I can even spout off and BS about anything and sound half-way intelligent, just don’t ask me to spell.
Awesome idea. I’m a pretty compulsive blogger myself, reviewing books, movies, and games in addition to posting the occasional photo-oddity. As for What I Do? Graphic designer by day, writer by night. Emerson College MFA grad. Game programmer in secret.
Count me in.
I would be interested in contributing. I’d be willing to do movie and music reviews along with writing just about anything else. I’ve been blogging for around six years.
oh, please pick me! I would love to write book reviews for your site. I have had a “rather lame vanity site,” for a couple of years now, belong to a book club and have a useless BA in creative writing.
i wouldn’t mind doing the odd review.
aside from the blog above, i coblog at nyplm and brown wedge, which are closer to the arts writing you are looking for i think.
I’d like to help out. I’m always full of opinions and blogging is fun, so i’d be game for whatever — reviews, columns, etc.
If you’re still taking names, I’d be interested (was pointed here by the mention in Bookslut).
I do half-assed reviews (http://www.livejournal.com/users/bookdork) and work for a textbook publisher (which means I can, at the very least, give you a good one-shot explaining why college textbooks cost so much).