Happy Birthday to Me!

If I was a shy reticent person I might not announce my birthday in some sort of grand pronouncement. But then if I was shy and reticent what are the odds I would have a blog? I guess some shy people have blogs because they are shy in real life but feel confident online . . .

Anyways, today is my birthday. If anyone out there is feeling particularly generous, here is my Amazon Wish List. If you don’t feel up to a gift just leave a comment and say “hi.” If you can’t be bothered to leave a comment, well then phooey on you, it’s my birthday anyway! Is this an obvious and insecure fish for birthday wishes and comments? Yes, but what is your point?

Kevin Holtsberry
I work in communications and public affairs. I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can while still spending time with my wife and two kids (and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Michigan Wolverines during football season).


  1. I am 34. No major milestone, just another day older and deeper in debt.

  2. Nobody knows the trouble you’ve seen. Nobody knows but Kevin.

    Happy Birthday. 34, huh? That’s about when I just started to grow up. You’re way ahead of the curve I was on.

    Live long and prospect.

  3. Happy birthday a couple days late Kevin.

    Miss your other site, but I am stopping in over here occasionally. May stop by and leave a comment or two if I happen across a good book!

  4. Happy birthday a couple days late Kevin.

    Miss your other site, but I am stopping in over here occasionally. May stop by and leave a comment or two if I happen across a good book!

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