If I was a shy reticent person I might not announce my birthday in some sort of grand pronouncement. But then if I was shy and reticent what are the odds I would have a blog? I guess some shy people have blogs because they are shy in real life but feel confident online . . .
Anyways, today is my birthday. If anyone out there is feeling particularly generous, here is my Amazon Wish List. If you don’t feel up to a gift just leave a comment and say “hi.” If you can’t be bothered to leave a comment, well then phooey on you, it’s my birthday anyway! Is this an obvious and insecure fish for birthday wishes and comments? Yes, but what is your point?
How old are you? Is this a major milestone?
I am 34. No major milestone, just another day older and deeper in debt.
Nobody knows the trouble you’ve seen. Nobody knows but Kevin.
Happy Birthday. 34, huh? That’s about when I just started to grow up. You’re way ahead of the curve I was on.
Live long and prospect.
Happy Birthday – a day late.
Happy Birth Anniversary…and many more!
Happy Birth Anniversary…and many more!
Happy Birthday Kevin. Go Steelers!
Happy birthday a couple days late Kevin.
Miss your other site, but I am stopping in over here occasionally. May stop by and leave a comment or two if I happen across a good book!
Happy birthday a couple days late Kevin.
Miss your other site, but I am stopping in over here occasionally. May stop by and leave a comment or two if I happen across a good book!