Per the entry below, I am throwing out the first batch of books to vote on for the first every Blog Book club Book. Entries are below. One vote per person please. You can vote via the comments on this post or by emailing me your choice.
Since I am already reading it and it is likely that a number of other people are too, I thought I would start with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It is a bit long but it is easy reading.
In a totally different vein is The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad by Fareed Zakaria. It might not be as popular as Harry Potter but it is extremely topical and certainly capable of engendering interesting debate.
The next choice might not be as relevant to current events but it should provide some historical perspective. Plus I have been wanting to read The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler’s Germany, 1941-1945 by Michael Beschloss for awhile. Being the moderator for this book club does have some advantages.
Last but certainly not least, we have an option that might really stir up the Blogosphere: A Time for Choosing: The Rise of Modern American Conservatism. What with Republicans in power in Washington and with conservatives getting into heated debates about what the term means, I figure this might be a good time to review how we got here.
So there you have it. Your choices for out very first book club run. Fantasy fiction, international relations, history, and political science. Seems like a wide array of choices. I will keep the vote open for a week. Look for the winner to be announced on June 30.
I vote Harry Potter.
I’d like to take a crack at Zakaria’s The Future of Freedom. It doesn’t look like a book that I would otherwise read.
I would like to discuss Harry Potter.
Harry Potter.
Future of Freedom. I finished Harry Potter on Sunday.
Well, I’ve actually read Harry Potter, and I’m not likely to read the others any time soon. And there’s a lot in “Phoenix” about snivelling bureaucrats, who are contrasted with dynamic entrepreneurs like Fred and George Weasley. (I do wonder about Wizardry economics. Perhaps Jane Galt could consider the case.)