A Blog Book Club

UPDATE: Vote for the first book here.
I have decided to try something different and see if it catches on: a blog book club. Here is how it will work:
– I will post three or four books from which to choose. Anyone who wants can then vote by email or comment. I will tally the votes and figure out which book got the most votes.
– I will then I will tally the votes and post the winning book and a time frame for reading it. Anyone who would like to discuss the book can then post comments and questions to that initial post as they are reading.
– After I have read the book and the time given is up, I will post my review of the book. Again, those who are interested can post comments, questions, etc. They can also link their review to the post via trackback or other link system (or at least post a comment with a link to their review).
– If possible I will try to convince some authors to participate in some Q&A, etc.
– In the end you would have an interesting thread of discussion and debate surrounding the book in two easily identifiable posts. Not only is this a chance to read interesting comments on the same book it is a chance to encounter new blogs and people as various readers post their thoughts and links. AS the subject changes so to will the readers – should be a chance for previously unconnected people to interact.

I think this could be a lot of fun. The Blogosphere, or at least a small section of it, can read the same book, debate and discuss the issues it raises, and share links to reviews, ideas, and comments. The possibilities are wide open really, people can make it whatever they want – I will simply facilitate the discussion and provide some ideas to get the process started.

I will post the first batch of book choices soon. So check back and vote! As always any comments, suggestions, and/or ideas are welcome.

Kevin Holtsberry
I work in communications and public affairs. I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can while still spending time with my wife and two kids (and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Michigan Wolverines during football season).

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