The Brothers Judd Blog has posted a list of “WHAT I COULD HAVE READ DURING MY SUMMER VACATION” Here are the guidlines:
(1) It should be big. Five-hundred-pages-or-better big. You should be able to only take two books from the list and still have enough reading to get you through a week.
(2) It should be readable. No note-taking needed. Not a whole lot of names to remember. You should be able to pick it up and put it down again without having to reorient yourself. Most of all, you should enjoy it.
(3) Ideally it should be a book that you’ve been meaning to read but you’ve put off, probably because of its size. But now, when it’s the only one, or one of the only ones, you have with you, you’ll be “forced” to read it. At the same time, it should be good enough that you won’t regret having brought it. No experiments.
They offer some interesting choices. I’ll post what I plan to read this summer soon.