Jim Geraghty Returns with Another Dangerous Clique Novel
Despite not really being my prefered style, "Ripped from the headlines" plot with Geraghty's sense of humor makes this a quick and enjoyable read.
Despite not really being my prefered style, "Ripped from the headlines" plot with Geraghty's sense of humor makes this a quick and enjoyable read.
Both a gripping tale of spy craft and a moving personal story, Spies in the Family is an invaluable and heart-rending work.
Lewis has written a captivating historical novel that highlights some dark but fascinating history in Bali during the cold war. It also offers an interesting an...
Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me: A Memoir. . . of Sorts
Steinhauer's adept characterization of a morally conflicted spy makes this an emotionally powerful read.