Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor

Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor is a quirky and odd tale of two women and two mysteries in Night Vale – a small town where the weird is normal. The book is based on the podcast by the authors that chronicles the strange events that occur in the town.

I am more of a grounded-in-realism reader and this book is not that. It has shape-shifting characters, alien sightings, and other odd occurrences. Although this is not my type of book, it does keep the reader’s attention.

The main characters Jackie Fierro (a pawn shop owner who is given a piece of paper with the only words “KING CITY” on it) and Diane Crayton (her son is a shape-shifter who is increasingly interested in knowing more about his absent father) try to figure out the weirder things going on in the town.

Two mysteries abound: who is a mysterious man who keeps handing out “KING CITY” notes and why does Diane’s ex keep popping up in town. In Jackie and Diane’s quest to find information, they escape with their lives as they visit the local library (local librarians are monsters).

Expect the unexpected and hang on for the weirdest ride of a tale.

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