The Weaver Fish by Robert Edeson is a unique and confounding work of fiction. It is fascinating and frustrating.
Here is a bit about the book:
Cambridge linguist Edvard Tøssentern, presumed dead, reappears after a balloon crash. When he staggers in from a remote swamp, gravely ill and swollen beyond recognition, his colleagues at the research station are overjoyed. But Edvard’s discovery about a rare giant bird throws them all into the path of an international crime ring.
The Weaver Fish is a gripping adventure story. Set on the island nation of Ferendes in the South China Sea, this book’s sound science and mathematical games will make you question all that you know, or think you know, about weaver fish, giant condors, the infamous tornado-proof Reckles® Texan hat, and much much more.
The book is a bit confounding because I did not understand it until a few chapters into it. At first, the first few chapters seem pointless, but then they fit more into the story as you read along. It is a very interesting book once you get past some of the initial side trails.
Based on the writing, Edeson’s mind is amazing. He makes stuff up, but it sounds so real. I caught myself several times googling some of the things to find out that the things do not exist.
Once the story gets going, it is hard to put down. The plot is engaging and the characters are interesting. The best part is the climax where everything comes together.