Wolf Hunt by Armand Cabasson

Armand Cabasson has written another great murder mystery set during the Napoleonic Wars – Wolf Hunt. Wolf Hunt takes place in Vienna in May 1809 during Napoleon’s occupation.
Here is a brief synopsis of the book from the publisher:
The forces of Napoleon’s Grande Armée are in Austria. For young Lieutenant Lukas Relmyer, it is hard to return to the place where he and fellow orphan Franz were kidnapped four years previously. Franz was brutally murdered and Lukas has vowed to avenge his death. When the body of another orphan is found on the battlefield, Captain Quentin Margont and Lukas join forces to track down the wolf that is prowling once more in the forests of Aspern …
The book is written in the third person and follows Margont as he tries to solve another mystery. It is an easy read at 289 pages.
Aside from the villain (whom Cabasson keeps as a mystery to the reader), Cabasson continues to develop the main character Margont. Cabasson describes how Margont developed some of his insecurities from being forced to live in a monastery as a boy. In addition to Margont, other characters are developed to a lesser extent. Relmyer’s and his “sister” Luise’ (both were orphans from the same orphanage) strengths and weaknesses also are explored.
Cabasson’s writing in Wolf Hunt is not as dark as the writing in The Officer’s Prey. There are still murders, but the writing is not as brooding. As a result, it is a bit easier to read and harder to put down.
A good murder mystery set in Napoleonic times.

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