For Ohio folks, Justin Cronin is coming to Columbus.
Tuesday, May 17, 7:30 p.m.
Columbus Performing Arts Center
549 Franklin Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Here are the details from The Thurber House:
Join Thurber House for an event you can really sink your teeth into when award-winning author Justin Cronin reads from his hugely popular novel, The Passage. The first in what will be a post-apocalyptic vampire trilogy, The Passage is a relentlessly suspenseful adventure and an epic chronicle of human endurance in the face of unprecedented catastrophe and unimaginable danger. After a breach at a secret U.S. government facility unleashes the monstrous product of a chilling military experiment, it takes little time for the world as we know it to die, and another to be born – a new primal landscape of predators and prey. The Passage has been likened to Stephen King’s vastly popular novel, The Stand.