- Clearly @djmont knows his donuts: "Krispy Kreme donuts are pure sugar, thus appealing mainly to an unsophisticated donut palate." in reply to djmont #
- Frank Wilson is now on Twitter @BooksInq #ff #
- Compare and contrast: The NYTBR on Jim Krusoe's Erased http://ow.ly/kT6t and my own review http://ow.ly/kT6B #
- Because I am lazy RT @bnreviewer: In my absence, if you don't already follow @roncharles @Maudnewton @ronhogan @sarahw @EdwardChampion #ff #
- Listen to @hunterbaker on Prime Time America discussing The End of Secularism at 5 central: http://bit.ly/JNrti #
- Unlikely to get much sympathy re my ridiculous TBR pile from Twitter lit crowd. OTOH, maybe similar circumstances means more sympathy? #
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