The Royal Hungarian Army in World War II by Dr. Nigel Thomas and Laszlo Szabo is a booklet in Osprey’s (the book’s publisher) “Men-at-Arms” series. The book is 47 pages, including several tables and charts at the back of the book.
If you ever wanted to know everything about the Hungarian Army during World War II, read this book. The book chronicles the battles and activities of the Hungarian Army before and during the war. In conjunction with the description, the book includes the orders of battle of the various Hungarian armies that fought on the Eastern Front. Finally, the book includes an excellent array of color imprints, black and white photographs, and detailed insignia charts.
This is a very good detailed account of the Hungarian Army – probably Germany’s key ally on the Eastern Front. The Hungarians provided the Germans with crucial men and supplies during the invasion of the Soviet Union. After reading this book, you can better understand how and why the Hungarians were such crucial allies to the Germans.