This is the end, Beautiful friend*

For those of you who aren’t paying attention to the calendar today is Friday the 13th! Oooh, scary. Not coincidentally this is also the release date for the final book in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. The End is the thirteenth, and final, book in the popular children’s series. So there is a bunch of symbolism and whatnot involved here. Here is the NYT:

“The End” is indeed the end of what the author calls “170 chapters of misery” as well as a marketing extravaganza by HarperCollins, which is releasing 2.5 million copies, its record for a children’s book. Young readers are looking to the book, which takes place on a forgotten island, to resolve at long last a set of complicated mysteries, chief among them the identity of Beatrice, to whom each book is dedicated, and the relationship between Beatrice and Lemony Snicket himself. These and other weighty matters are obsessively debated on the numerous unofficial Lemony Snicket Web sites and blogs that have sprung up since the series’s inception, most notably 667 Dark Avenue (at, named for the sinister high-rent apartment building in the sixth book, “The Ersatz Elevator.”

I will confess that this is one children’s book phenomenon that I have not joined. I read the first book and found it rather blah. If you are dying for information or more marketing please visit the website.

*Bonus points if you get the title reference without the aid of Google.

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Kevin Holtsberry
I work in communications and public affairs. I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can while still spending time with my wife and two kids (and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Michigan Wolverines during football season).

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