Alan of Thinklings points out some humorous statements by theologian Herbert McCabe:
McCabe was a Dominican priest, theologian, and editor of New Blackfriars and author of God Matters. He lived from 1926-2001, and was shaped by the 1960’s, with its clashes over situation ethics and the rise of liberation theology. Unfortunately, he was much taken with the latter, although he fought unwaveringly against the former. He would not tone down any expression of his convictions. His radical politics got him into trouble, but he was unrepentant:
He was sacked as editor of New Blackfriars in 1967 for remarking in one of his widely anticipated monthly editorials that the church “is quite plainly corrupt.” After his reinstatement three years later he began his first editorial, “As I was saying before I was so oddly interrupted.”
I remember that John Calvin did something similar after he returned to Geneva, having been kicked out due to a firm hold on Biblical doctrine. He had been in the middle of a long exposition of one of the books of the Bible, and when he returned after several years, picked up the exposition as if he’d never left. I wonder if he said, “You may remember in my last sermon . . .”