I am working on some reviews but let me offer some links while you wait:
– Andrew Stuttaford takes a look at Incendiary by Chris Cleave. For those unfamiliar with the story, Cleave’s book is about a suicide bomb attack in London and was released the day of the underground bombings this past July. Stuttaford thinks the book’s “controversial” subject is perfectly valid, indeed necessary, but faults the lack of imagination that undermines a powerful beginning.
– The Litblog Co-Op has announced there Read This! selection for Autumn 2005. It is The Angel of Forgetfulness by Steve Stern. They are planning all kinds of interactive web goodness over there related to the selection so check them out regularly.
– Robert Birmbaum talks with George Saunders here. I found this to be one of Mr. Birnbaum’s more interesting conversations.
– Via Light Reading I came across this intelligent and sharp (as in razor blade) critique of the last Harry Potter book. If you haven’t yet read it you should; especially if you have an interest in the book or its genre.
– In case you missed it, Slate is having its second annual Fall Fiction Week.