Tim Challies has written repeatedly on Rick Warren and The Purpose-Driven Life (PDL), most recently on the marketing of PDL through pastors, 40-Day campaigns, and supporting radio spots. A book on marketing a bestseller, using PDL as the primary case study, was due to be released this month, but Publishers Weekly reports that Greg Stielstra’s PyroMarketing : The Four-Step Strategy to Ignite Customer Evangelists and Keep Them for Life is being held back by the publisher, HarperCollins. You can get a feel for the book’s message by reading this promotional script from the author. It looks like a strong outline, but I wonder how other non-fiction books should apply the principles.
Be sure to browse the discussion on Tim’s post, in which Greg Stielstra and author Richard Abanes join in. Abanes is the author of Rick Warren and the Purpose that Drives Him, a biography of Warren and a response to some of PDL’s critics. Tim reviews the book here with Abanes remarking in the post’s dicussion. Abanes discusses his book in greater detail a four-part interview on The A-Team Blog.