Inspired by Phil’s suggestion, we have decided to enter into the murky arena of short story contests. I should note before I go any further that this is not a cash prize and is not likely to confer a particularly high level of prestige on the eventual winners in what you might call “the real world.” What we hope to do is give away a free book and highlight some good writing.
In honor of our focus on Michelle Herman, and her new book Dog, we are asking for submissions of a short story (800 words or less) that centers on a dog or dogs. The distinguished panel of judges (me, Phil, and whoever else we can rope into this convince to join us) will pick the winner and any honorable mentions. The winner will receive a free autographed copy of Dog and have their story published here (and hopefully linked to by the literary blogosphere thus insuring Internet immortality). Those honorable mentions picked by the judges can also have their entries posted here if they so choose.
Here are the details:
– Only one entry per person please.
– Please submit the story in the body of an email to contest[at] and include your mailing address so we can ship the book to you if you win.
– The story must be an original unpublished work but the author retains all the rights, etc.
– The deadline is midnight Monday July 4 (Just in case you want to spend your holiday weekend writing an “award winning” short story).
So there you have it. A chance for fame and fortune – well at least a few minutes of passing notice – and literary achievement. I know it isn’t much time but it is only 800 words after all. So get writing and send in your entries.
Here we go!