Robert Birnbaum must be a clone

Mr. Birnbaum laughs at my inability to transcribe and post one measly interview. Tuesday he was talking with Kevin Guilfoile at the Morning News and today he has a conversation with Courtney Angela Brkic over at Identity Theory. Please add your own adjective to this sentence: Wow, that Robert Birnbaum is [blank]. I believe the traditional response is tireless or indefatigable.

Clearly I am a slacker. Since she isn’t old enough to read this (at 15 weeks), I am going to blame this on my daughter who occupies an ever increasing chunk of my time. I am not complaining as she is adorable and a joy to be around for the most part (except when she balks at taking the bottle when her mother is at work . . . TMI?), but she does cut into the blogging time. I have not yet mastered juggling work, family, reading, and posting quiet yet.

P.s. I promise to stop posting these lame filler type posts soon.

Kevin Holtsberry
I work in communications and public affairs. I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can while still spending time with my wife and two kids (and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Michigan Wolverines during football season).

1 Comment

  1. Let me pass you a Retract Blog Promises for Free card. I say, blog what you will. We aren’t the brick-n-frackem print media, for pete. All the news that fit to print? Bah! All the news, non-news, comments, and conjecture we feel like printing–that’s more like it!

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