Are you a blog reader?

How many blogs do you read in a day? They don’t have to be the same blogs every day, just the number you read in a day. Do you truly read them, or do you usually scan them? Since blogs are relatively new to the web, did you read websites before blogs came of age?

I have several links from my own literary blog, Brandywine Books, and I wish I could scan and read everyone of them at least once a week; but I don’t have the time or inclination to do that. I do read slowly, and when I have the time, I want to blog intelligently, but maybe I value a simple life more than frequent blog-reading allows. I don’t know, so I should probably stop blogging about it.


  1. I read maybe five or ten, but scan over a hundred daily. Not always the same five or hundred either, mind you.

    Pre-blog, there were few websites I read daily, or even weekly. I was on the web a lot, but looking for different things all the time. Something I remember from my early days on the net (in particular, 1995-1999) was always having something to look for, either being discouraged at not finding it or elated to, but then quickly running out of “things to do online,” as it were.

    Blogs, if nothing else, give me an endless supply of new things to read, and an easy way to find it, which is why I try to at least skim the contents of so many every day.

  2. I read maybe five or ten, but scan over a hundred daily. Not always the same five or hundred either, mind you.

    Pre-blog, there were few websites I read daily, or even weekly. I was on the web a lot, but looking for different things all the time. Something I remember from my early days on the net (in particular, 1995-1999) was always having something to look for, either being discouraged at not finding it or elated to, but then quickly running out of “things to do online,” as it were.

    Blogs, if nothing else, give me an endless supply of new things to read, and an easy way to find it, which is why I try to at least skim the contents of so many every day.

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