To quote that often-used Dave Barry line, I am not making this up. Comedian and speaker Anita Renfroe has written a book, released this month, entitled, The Purse-driven Life: It Really Is All About Me. If you haven’t cracked open a copy of the almost ubiquitous book by a similiar name, you may not know that Purse-driven’s subtitle is a contradiction of the other book’s first line. Yes, it’s meant to be funny. It goes one with topics, such as “You’ve Got Male, trying to understand husbands,” “Minor Adjustments, mammograms and their fallout,” and “Mother Superior, hoping our kids don’t end up on the Jerry Springer show.” Anita helps women understand their “purse-onality” and “the art of doing nothing.”
I’m sure there’s a market for this type of book. NavPress is a smart publisher, and Anita has performed many times over the years, so I’m sure she has received good feedback from her target audience. And I’m sure it won’t matter that my sweet wife thinks many women will like the book even though she hates the look of it. Not her type of humor, I guess, but her distaste for it may come from its perceived similiarity to other books she’s read, those silly women’s books from Christian publishers which seem to assume a level of shallow faith or materialism in their readership.
Someone has to minister to the shallow people