It’s not often that a blogger leaves the slipstream of electronic existence for a real time event in the oft neglected world outside the sliding door. Mystery Writers Weekend, a three day event in Cannon Beach Oregon provided the opportunity to don street clothes and meet some real people. The event was sponsored by Valerie Ryan of the Cannon Beach Book Company, one of the finest independent book stores around. Ann Rule, GM Ford, April Henry and Skye Moody were among the authors who attended; one astonishing fan had been at Bouchercon, Left Coast Crime, PNWA, and Cannon Beach. He sat next to me in April Henry’s class and fell asleep. No wonder. Toronto to Monterey to Cannon Beach is serious mileage; imagine Kerouac trying to keep his eyes open on that stretch between Omaha and Fort Collins.
Cannon Beach is a hamlet on the Oregon Coast framed by Tillamook Head to the north and Arch Cape to the south. The next stop to the west is the Sea of Japan. Ultimately Los Angeles will drift by on its journey north, providing yet more entertainment to future generations. Tourists will wave to Michael Eisner and his attorneys; it’ll be more fun than whale watching.
The highlights included a Friday night cocktail party, book signings at venues around town, April Henry’s excellent class, a dinner featuring Ann Rule and, on Sunday, readings at a local theater. Throughout the event the authors were available for informal conversations in a generally relaxed atmosphere. The town briefly took on a summertime atmosphere with SUVs clogging the main drag in search of that elusive parking space. It’s always fun to be in a place where the cars are larger than the buildings.