One of the hazards of book addiction, (Hi, my name is Kevin and I am addicted to books . . .) besides poverty, is the pressure to read all the interesting books that you come across. With books being published at an alarming rate these days it can be stressful to hold down a job, have some sort of life, and still get to all the books one wants to read. I managed to read 60 books last year, but there are dozens of books I intended to read but never got around to.
Already this year I feel the pressure to keep my TBR pile from growing so large it endangers my health. Do you remember when you were younger and your parents would say that your “eyes were bigger than your stomach?” You had piled a bunch of food on your plate but when it came down to it you simply couldn’t eat it all. I have a literary version of that phenomenon (we need a phrase for this: your eyes are bigger than your . . . eyes?). I am constantly acquiring books that I really want to read and review. This is a good thing on the surface as I love books. But it is a problem when you get ahead of yourself to the point you are not sure you can read fast enough to ever catch up. I am in one of those spots right now. Below the jump are all the books I am reading or have committed to review. So I need to buckle down and catch up on my reading. There might be less posting as I try to read more and write less (good thing I am not a novelist or poet because I am not sure I would ever get anything done – that and the fact I have no talent).
The good thing is there should be lots of reviews posted here in the not too distant future. Happy Reading.