Amazon, Goodreads or Blog?
Let's say, hypothetically, someone didn't want to write blog posts anymore. Would publishers send said person books if they posted reviews on Goodreads, Amazon ...
Let's say, hypothetically, someone didn't want to write blog posts anymore. Would publishers send said person books if they posted reviews on Goodreads, Amazon ...
On the off-chance that someone might leave a comment around here once in a while, let me pose this question to the peanut gallery: Do you prefer the podcasts be...
This Blog began ten years ago yesterday . Kinda wild to think about that. It is hard to judge your own writing output over ten years but if I had to offer a ju...
Whatever strength remains at this site it lies in my books reviews and the occasional author interview. So I think it makes sense to focus on that and to work h...
I have been thinking about how best to consolidate various blogging and social media type communications lately. And I think it makes sense to put most content ...
If you check this blog regularly, first, God Bless You, and second you probably noticed I changed the theme yet again. I am a theme addict, I admit it. I am alw...