Unlike Anything that Ever Floated by Dwight Sturtevant Hughes
Unlike Anything that Ever Floated is an excellent history of a pivotal moment for not only the U.S. Navy, but the world's navies as well.
Unlike Anything that Ever Floated is an excellent history of a pivotal moment for not only the U.S. Navy, but the world's navies as well.
Overall, this is an excellent examination of two of the Union Army's great cavalry leaders. I look forward to the second book in the series.
I consider myself a fairly well-informed person regarding the Civil War. However, I don’t know much about the interactions between the Army of the Potomac...
Gettysburg – one of the key battles in the Civil War that turned the tide in favor of the Union. It also is an excellent example of the use of cavalry. Ge...
When I am struggling to figure out what to read, I go to a familiar topic—the Civil War. I also try to read an excellent author’s work. My latest read hit...
I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on the Civil War, but periodically I am surprised by an event that I have not read about. This is the case with Timothy S...